Kristin is the former founder of a niched RIA that she grew from zero to six figures of revenue in less than three years, completely from scratch. In 2014 Kristin transitioned full time into training and coaching, where she now helps independent financial advisors build Version 2.0 of their firm while living a fulfilled personal life along the way.
Lack of time is one of the biggest excuses advisors have for failing to focus on marketing. “I don’t know when I can fit it in!” they exclaim. Luckily, you can free up more of your time and energy to concentrate on essential business development tasks (or other parts of your business where you are the best fit to do the work). But, before you start to shift your effort, you have to know where you are now.
If you want to lessen or redirect your effort, you must first identify there tasks that draw on your personal resources.
Take a 2-4 week period and log EVERY TASK you do each day. You’re probably already resisting because it is tedious, It can be easy to overlook this step and simply jot down a few tasks you don’t want to do. This is a start, but to get a more powerful impact, logging what you’re actually spending time on is invaluable. (For this exercise, keep it to your professional efforts. You can always expand the view once you’ve freed up time here) .
Add to the list anything that does not show up that you wish you had time to do. This is about freeing up resources so you can begin to shift your effort to focusing on marketing, sales, relationship management or other high impact areas of your business. Along the way, we want to get rid of a scatter-shot approach and the inclination to spread yourself too thin.
With this information in hand you can apply a 5-Step Task Triage exercise to gain more hours, energy and yield as you prioritize your work, streamline tasks, and find new resources. Start first by paring down the list.
Using a spreadsheet, whiteboard, or other information visualization tool, list out all of the tasks on the left hand side. Then, label five columns as shown in Exhibit 1. You will then evaluate and categorize each task as your work your way through the steps below.
A clear marketing strategy can make tossing tasks easier. When you have clarity on the high-value hyper-value client you want to attract to your firm, you can cross off marketing efforts you currently do that no longer matter. You’ll have clarity on what types of content to develop, which partners are best suited for collaboration and where to show up to attract clients.
You can also redirect any current prospects in your sales pipeline who are not a fit. This is the perfect time to send them to alternate solutions. When it comes to clients you’ve dreamed of firing, you may choose to act on this now, too. They and all of the tasks that follow them will disappear and your energy will soar!
Shining new strategies, software, tools or tactics can distract advisors. Dabbling in these pursuits, or even giving them mindshare, can dilute your efforts Table those ideas and related tasks you cannot do well right now or do not align with a current business priority. Feel comfort knowing the idea won’t disappear, but you can wait and see if its appeal tarnishes while you focus on higher priorities.
For example, maybe you’re excited to try out ChatGPT for writing blog articles, but with limited bandwidth to learn how to prompt properly, review and edit the content, it may make more sense to wait on AI right now. (See Step 4 and hire an industry-knowledgeable copywriter to help you). If your focus is on deepening client relationships this year, then daily original posts on social media may not serve you right now.
Also, if you are directing more of your time meeting with centers of influence seeking referrals, and you haven’t established your core marketing assets, then you can reduce those unaligned initiatives until you connect with your audience directly. If you’re dabbling in Facebook ads but haven’t established a lead magnet, stop that spend and get your foundation in place.
One of the best “employees” is technology. Which of the efforts in your long list has a technology solution that could handle the bulk of the effort (or all of it!) for you? You may not know your options, but you can start to look (Refer to the T3/Inside Information annual software survey to see what is popular among the advisor community). Highlight all of the items on your list for which you want to consider a technology solution.
When it comes to marketing and sales support, technology solutions can make a big difference in efficiency. Some of the common examples to lighten your load are:
Whether you have an in-house team or you utilize contractors and service providers, be sure you are leveraging the best skills of each of your team members. We operate in a world with an expanding sharing economy where entrepreneurs abound with the skills you need for freelance or project-based work.
Categorize the tasks on your list under the “team” columns if they can be implemented or managed by another human (that is not you!). Seek out help. For example:
As you eliminate efforts, table distractions, and shift responsibilities to team members and technology, what remains are the areas that you want to do or provide the most value for your firm. With your newfound availability and energy, you can focus on working on the business, leading the firm and contributing by focusing on the highest best use of your time.
As with any long term sustainable improvements, you will have to muster activation energy. If you do not yet have your support system buttoned up, you are probably expending as much or even more effort spinning your wheels trying to do it all than you will following this 5-Step Task Triage approach. Start with the exercise above and list out your tasks. From there, follow the steps and prioritize how your use your resources. You’ll be surprised how quickly you start to see new opportunities to delegate or eliminate.
“I don’t have time” will no longer be a viable excuse to avoid marketing.
Kristin is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. Managing her own firm, she grew it from zero to six figures in less than three years, completely from scratch. In 2014 Kristin transitioned full time into training and coaching, where she now helps independent financial advisors to grow their firms.
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